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A lifestyle image of a BIBO with instant boiling water vs a kettle.

Where are you spending your energy?

Are instant hot water dispensers more or less energy efficient than normal electric kettles?

When it comes to making your daily cup of tea or coffee, the question of energy efficiency often pops up. Should you stick with your good old electric kettle (you have had once since your wedding after all), or is it time to upgrade to an instant hot water dispenser? Let’s break it down and see which one comes out on top in the energy efficiency battle.

Spoiler alert, we know who wins. 

In this blog, we’ll explore:
  • The pros and cons of electric kettles and instant hot water dispensers.
  • Energy efficiency comparisons between the two.


The Electric Kettle: A Classic Choice


Electric kettles have been the go-to for boiling water quickly and efficiently for decades. They work by passing an electric current through a heating element, which then heats the water inside. The process is relatively fast, if you’re comparing it to the days of going to the water well and heating it over a fire.


  • Simplicity: Easy to use with a single switch operation.
  • Portability: Can be used anywhere with an electrical outlet.


  • Over-boiling: Often, more water is boiled than needed, leading to energy wastage.
  • Energy spikes: Each boil requires a significant amount of energy.
  • Speed: Or lack thereof


Instant Hot Water Dispensers: The Modern Marvel


Instant hot water dispensers, like the BIBO express, are designed to provide boiling water on demand. These devices heat water as they dispense, meaning you only heat the amount you need at the moment.


  • Efficiency: Only heats the exact amount of water needed, reducing energy waste.
  • Convenience: Plumbed inline and provides hot water instantly, no filling time and no waiting time.
  • Temperature control: Sometimes offers multiple temperature settings for different needs.


  • Initial cost: Generally more expensive upfront compared to electric kettle, depending on your choice of kettle of course.
  • Space: Takes up more space… but barely. 


Energy Efficiency Showdown

Electric Kettles: While okay for small amounts of water, electric kettles often lead to energy waste. People tend to overfill them, boiling more water than necessary. This excess water then cools down, requiring re-boiling, more waiting and additional energy.

Instant Hot Water Dispensers: Instant hot water dispensers, on the other hand, are designed to boil only what you need. This precise heating significantly reduces energy waste. Additionally, many hot water dispensers offer advanced insulation and standby modes, further conserving energy, with no wait time needed.


Conclusion: The Winner

In terms of energy efficiency, instant hot water dispensers take the lead. By heating only the water you need, when you need it, these devices cut down on unnecessary energy use, and unnecessary time wastage. While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term savings on your energy bills and the added convenience make instant hot water dispensers a smart choice for the energy-conscious consumer.

Check out the BIBO bar and BIBO express to find out more reasons to love BIBO’s boiling water solutions.



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The BIBO hotshot - an instant boiling water dispenser.